Sea-Band Wrist Band for Travel Sickness-Adult Size

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Sea-Band provides effective relief from all forms of Travel Sickness without causing drowsiness or other side effects.

- Natural Relief
- No side Effects
- Reusable
- Washable
- Suitable for travel sickness
- Suitable for morning sickness

Sea-Band provides effective relief from all forms of Travel Sickness without causing drowsiness or other side effects.

- Natural Relief
- No side Effects
- Reusable
- Washable
- Suitable for travel sickness
- Suitable for morning sickness
Sea-Band works by using acupressure.

The bands can be put onto your wrists before you start travelling, or at any time during your journey.

Sea-Band takes between two and five minutes to become effective.

A better result is achieved if the band is in place before the journey commences.
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