Olbas Oil

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Being stuck indoors with nothing but a blocked up nose for company is miserable.

So - Olbas Oil to the rescue.

Just a few drops on a handkerchief is all it takes to fill a room with powerful Olbas vapours - perfect for night-time relief and sweet dreams.

Being stuck indoors with nothing but a blocked up nose for company is miserable.

So - Olbas Oil to the rescue.

Just a few drops on a handkerchief is all it takes to fill a room with powerful Olbas vapours - perfect for night-time relief and sweet dreams.

For a really intense Olbas experience, put a few drops of Olbas Oil in a bowl of hot water, lean over it and cover your head with a towel.

It’s enough to liberate the most stubbornly blocked noses.

And there's more to Olbas Oil than powerful vapours.

When you're feeling achy try massaging in a few drops of Olbas Oil.

You'll get a lovely warm feeling and a sense of relaxation.

Olbas Oil is suitable for adults and children as young as three months.

Always read the label.

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