Sweet Cures Waterfall D-Mannose Tablets 50x 1000mg

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Sweet Cures Waterfall D-Mannose Tabletshelp to stop UTIs and cystitis symptoms, and prevent further infections in both adults and children. Brings rapid relief from the pain, burning, and cramping feelings caused by infections.

Helps to stop UTIs and cystitis symptoms, and prevents further infections in both adults and children.Brings rapid relief from the pain, burning, and cramping feelings caused by infections.Provides a safe long-term solution to cystitis problems. People who take Waterfall D-Mannose regularly soon begin to lose the propensity for reinfection. If a new infection threat occurs, immediately taking a double dose of Waterfall D-Mannose stops it in its tracks almost every time.Massively improves the quality of life for cystitis sufferers. By getting rid of the infection problem at source, antibiotics and their toxic side-effects can be avoided.Benefits the kidneys. Improves kidney function by about 2% per month for people whose kidneys have been damaged by frequent reinfection and the drugs taken to treat those infections.
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